Ndikhokhele Bawo – Lead me oh Father

Christian songs. Whatsoever You do to the Least of My Brothers

Ndikhokhele Bawo, zundi kokhele (Lead me oh Father [Lead me])
Ndikhokhele mmeli wami (Lead me my savior)
Ezintsizini, Zalomhlaba Bawo (in all the sorrows of this world Father)
(Bawo, Bawo, Bawo) ( Father, Father, Father)
Bawo ndiyabonga (Father I thank you)
Ngoba wena usandigcinile (for you still protect/keep me)

Thaluthele thuze kwami (You calm all my fears) x2
(Bawo, bawo, bawo) ( Father, Father, Father)
Bawo ndiyabonga (Father I thank you)
Ngoba wena usandigcinile (for you still protect me)

Mmeli wami bawo uthaluthele thuze kwami (Father, Savior, you calm my fears)
Bawo ndiyabonga (Father I thank you)
Ngoba wena usandigcinile (for you still protect me)

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